Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is donor-derived haploidentical IL-21-expanded natural killer cells?

Pronunciation: /ˈdoʊnər dəraɪvd haploidentical* ɪl tˈwɛntiˌwɔn ɪkˈspændɪd ˈnæʧərəl ˈkɪlər sɛlz/

donor-derived haploidentical IL-21-expanded natural killer cells


A population of ex-vivo human interleukin-21 (IL-21) expanded donor-derived human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haploidentical natural killer (haploNK) cells, with potential immunomodulating and antineoplastic activities. Upon administration in patients undergoing HLA-haploidentical hematopoietic cell transplantation, the donor-derived haploidentical IL-21-expanded NK cells target, lyse and destroy tumor cells. IL-21 promotes sustained ex vivo proliferation of human NK cells and enhances its cytotoxic activity.