Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is anti-CD46 antibody-drug conjugate FOR46?

Pronunciation: /ˈænˌti ˈsiˈdi forty-six* ˈæntɪˌbɑdi drəg ˌkɑnʤəˈgeɪt fər forty-six*/

anti-CD46 antibody-drug conjugate FOR46


An antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) composed of a human monoclonal antibody directed against the cluster of differentiation 46 (CD46; membrane cofactor protein; MCP) and conjugated to an as of yet undisclosed cytotoxic payload, with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration, anti-CD46 ADC FOR46 specifically targets and binds to a specific conformational epitope on the immune modulatory receptor CD46 expressed on certain tumor cells. Upon binding and internalization, the cytotoxic payload kills the CD46-expressing tumor cells. The conformational epitope of CD46 is highly expressed in multiple tumor cell types while minimally expressed or absent in normal, healthy tissues. FOR46 does not interfere with other CD46-mediated pathways that naturally occur in normal, healthy tissues.