Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is anti-CD137 agonistic monoclonal antibody ADG106?

Pronunciation: /ˈænˌti ˈsiˈdi wən ˈhənərd ənd thirty-seven* agonistic* ˌmɑnəˈkloʊnəl ˈæntɪˌbɑdi adg* wən ˈhənərd ənd sɪks/

anti-CD137 agonistic monoclonal antibody ADG106


A human agonistic monoclonal antibody targeting CD137 (4-1BB; tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 9; TNFRSF9), with potential immunostimulating activity. Upon administration, anti-CD137 agonistic monoclonal antibody ADG106 binds to and activates CD137 expressed on a variety of leukocyte subsets including activated T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. This enhances CD137-mediated signaling, induces cytokine production and promotes T-cell mediated anti-tumor immune responses. CD137, a surface glycoprotein of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, is an inducible costimulatory receptor that plays a key role in T-cell proliferation, survival and cytolytic activity.