Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is silicone-based film-forming topical gel?

Pronunciation: /ˈsɪləˌkoʊn beɪst fɪlm ˈfɔrmɪŋ ˈtɑpɪkəl ʤɛl/

silicone-based film-forming topical gel


A silicone-based film forming gel, with potential skin protective and healing activities. Upon topical application to intact or damaged skin, the silicone-based film forming gel dries and forms a transparent, semi-occlusive, gas permeable and waterproof protective film layer over the skin which acts as a barrier. The film barrier maintains and enhances skin integrity, reduces mechanical friction, and reduces transepidermal water loss (TEWL). This provides protection against skin injury, infection and irritation, and maintains moisture to the skin.