Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is HLA-A*2402-restricted CDCA1-A24-56 peptide vaccine?

Pronunciation: /hla* ə tu ˈθaʊzənd, fɔr ˈhənərd ənd tu riˈstrɪktɪd cdca* wən ə tˈwɛntiˌfɔr fifty-six* ˈpɛpˌtaɪd ˌvækˈsin/

HLA-A*2402-restricted CDCA1-A24-56 peptide vaccine


A cancer vaccine containing the HLA-A*2402-restricted peptide epitope derived from cell division associated gene 1 (CDCA1), with potential immunostimulatory and antitumor activities. Upon administration, HLA-A*2402-restricted CDCA1-A24-56 peptide vaccine may stimulate a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response against CDCA1-expressing tumor cells, resulting in tumor cell lysis and decreased tumor cell proliferation. HLA-A*2402 is an MHC class I molecule that presents antigenic peptides to CD8+ T cells; epitope design restricted to epitopes that bind most efficiently to HLA-A*2402 may improve antigenic peptide immunogenicity.