Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is dried Synsepalum dulcificum supplement?

Pronunciation: /draɪd synsepalum* dulcificum* ˌsəpləˈmɛnt/

dried Synsepalum dulcificum supplement


A dietary supplement composed of dried Synsepalum dulcificum, or dried miracle berry, with potential taste modifying and antioxidant activities. Dried Synsepalum dulcificum supplement contains the glycoprotein miraculin and polyphenols. Upon oral supplement, miraculin acts as an agonist at the human sweet taste receptor hT1R2-hT1R3 at acidic pH, thereby converting sour stimuli to sweetness and resulting in taste-modifying activity. The polyphenols may reduce oxidative stress and may help to slow or prevent cell damage caused by oxidation.