Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is Aurora B/C kinase inhibitor GSK1070916A?

Pronunciation: /ərˈɔrə bi si kinase* ˌɪnˈhɪbətər gsk* wən ˈmɪljən, ˈsɛvənti ˈθaʊzənd, naɪn ˈhənərd ənd ˈsɪkˈstin ə/

Aurora B/C kinase inhibitor GSK1070916A


An ATP-competitive inhibitor of the serine/threonine kinases Aurora B and C with potential antineoplastic activity. Aurora B/C kinase inhibitor GSK1070916A binds to and inhibits the activity of Aurora kinases B and C, which may result in inhibition of cellular division and a decrease in the proliferation of tumor cells that overexpress the Aurora kinases B and C. Aurora kinases play essential roles in mitotic checkpoint control during mitosis, and are overexpressed by a wide variety of cancer cell types.