Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is stereotactic core needle biopsy?

Pronunciation: /ˌstɛriˌoʊˈtæktɪk kɔr ˈnidəl ˈbaɪɑpsi/

stereotactic core needle biopsy


A procedure that uses x-ray images taken at different angles to find an abnormal area in the body. The images help guide the removal of a tissue sample from that area with a wide, hollow needle. The tissue sample is then checked under a microscope for signs of disease, such as cancer. A stereotactic core needle biopsy may be done when a lump or mass cannot be felt or when the abnormal area cannot be seen clearly on other imaging tests. It may be used to check for certain types of cancer, including cancers of the breast, lung, liver, and brain.