Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is

yiqi-yangyin-jiedu herbal decoction


Pronunciation: /yiqi* yangyin* jiedu* ˈərbəl decoction*/

yiqi-yangyin-jiedu herbal decoction


A traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) based formulation consisting of milkvetch root, glehnia root, asparagus root, lilyturf root, glossy privet fruit, spikemoss herb, Chinese sage herb, and manyleaf paris rhizome, with potential immuno-enhancing, detoxifying and antineoplastic activities. Upon administration, yiqi-yangyin-jiedu decoction (YYJD) may both activate the immune system, by enhancing T-lymphocyte activity, and inhibit tumor cell proliferation. YYJD may also ameliorate the qi-yin deficiency syndrome by strengthening qi and nourishing yin. YYJD may help clear toxic substances.