Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is sodium picosulfate/magnesium oxide/citric acid oral laxative?

Pronunciation: /ˈsoʊdiəm picosulfate* mægˈniziəm ˈɑkˌsaɪd ˈsɪtrɪk ˈæsəd ˈɔrəl ˈlæksətɪv/

sodium picosulfate/magnesium oxide/citric acid oral laxative


An oral laxative formulation containing the stimulant cathartic sodium picosulfate as the primary active ingredient . Picosulfate acts on the enteric nerves in the intestinal wall to increase muscle contractions, thereby stimulating peristaltic action and promoting defecation. Other active ingredients are osmotic agents that increase stool water content.