Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is probiotic supplement WeiLeShu?

Pronunciation: /probiotic* ˌsəpləˈmɛnt weileshu*/

probiotic supplement WeiLeShu


A probiotic containing as of yet unelucidated bacterial strains, with potential anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating activities. Upon oral administration, the probiotic supplement WeiLeShu modulates the composition of the normal gastrointestinal (GI) microflora, by increasing the beneficial bacteria and decreasing the harmful bacteria, and helps maintain adequate colonization of the GI tract. This improves digestion and prevents GI disturbances. These bacteria create an environment unfavorable to pathogens by adhering to human epithelial cells and forming a protective mucosal barrier. This prevents attachment of pathogens and reduces the risk of infection. By restoring gut microbiota, these bacteria may restore or enhance intestinal immune responses.