Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is NOS enhancer BZ371A?

Pronunciation: /nos* ɛnˈhænsər bz* θri ˈhənərd ənd seventy-one* ə/

NOS enhancer BZ371A


A synthetic peptide and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enhancer, with potential vasodilating and anti-inflammatory activities. Upon topical application, NOS enhancer BZ371A induces local expression of NOS, thereby increasing endogenous NO production and NO level. This may result in vasodilation and penile erection when BZ371A is topically applied to the genital area. BZ371A may also be topically applied to other areas such as the eye and the skin for the treatment of glaucoma and various skin conditions through its vasodilating and anti-inflammatory actions. Nitric oxide is an important intercellular signaling molecule that acts as a vasodilator and an immune and inflammatory mediator.