Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World
What is
MAT2A inhibitor IDE397
?MAT2A inhibitor IDE397
An orally bioavailable inhibitor of methionine adenosyltransferase II alpha (MAT2A), with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon oral administration, MAT2A inhibitor IDE397 targets, binds to and inhibits the activity of MAT2A, a metabolic enzyme responsible for the production of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM), a primary donor of methyl groups in cellular transmethylation reactions that regulate gene expression, cell growth, and differentiation. Inhibition of MAT2A may inhibit proliferation in methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP)-deleted cancers that rely heavily on SAM synthesis. MAT2A activity is essential in cancer cells deficient in MTAP, a critical enzyme in the methionine salvage pathway, that is deleted in a variety of human cancers.