Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World
What is indium In 111-labeled autologous polymorphonuclear leukocytes?
Pronunciation: /ˈɪndiəm ɪn wən ˈhənərd ənd ˈilɛvən ˈleɪbəld autologous* polymorphonuclear* leukocytes*/
indium In 111-labeled autologous polymorphonuclear leukocytes
A preparation of autologous peripheral polymorphonuclear (PMNLs) radiolabeled with indium In 111 with radioisoptic activity. Autologous PMNLs are isolated, expanded ex vivo, radiolabeled with indium In 111, and then infused back into the patient. Gamma scintigraphy may then be used to image gamma ray-emitting indium In 111 PMNLs localized in lymphoma tissue.