Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is donor-derived WT1/PRAME/NY-ESO-1/survivin-specific T-lymphocytes?

Pronunciation: /ˈdoʊnər dəraɪvd wt* wən prame* ny* eso* wən survivin* spɪˈsɪfɪk ti ˈlɪmfəˌsaɪts/

donor-derived WT1/PRAME/NY-ESO-1/survivin-specific T-lymphocytes


Allogeneic T-lymphocytes specifically reactive to the tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) human Wilms tumor protein-1 (WT1), Preferentially Expressed Antigen in Melanoma (PRAME), the cancer-testis antigen NY-ESO-1, and survivin, with potential antineoplastic activity. Donor derived T-cells are mixed, ex vivo, with protein fragments derived from the TAAs WT1, PRAME, NY-ESO-1, and survivin. Upon intravenous administration, the donor-derived WT1/PRAME/NY-ESO-1/Survivin-specific T-lymphocytes recognize and kill cancer cells expressing these TAAs. WT1, NY-ESO-1, PRAME, and survivin, are expressed on certain tumor cell types and play key role in tumor cell proliferation and survival.