Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World
What is
Polo-like kinase 1 inhibitor GSK-461364
?Pronunciation: /ˈpoʊloʊ laɪk kinase* wən ˌɪnˈhɪbətər gsk* fɔr ˈhənərd ənd sixty-one* ˈθaʊzənd, θri ˈhənərd ənd sixty-four*/
Polo-like kinase 1 inhibitor GSK-461364
A small molecule Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity. Polo-like kinase 1 inhibitor GSK461364 selectively inhibits Plk1, inducing selective G2/M arrest followed by apoptosis in a variety of tumor cells while causing reversible cell arrest at the G1 and G2 stage without apoptosis in normal cells. Plk1, named after the polo gene of Drosophila melanogaster, is a serine/threonine protein kinase involved in regulating mitotic spindle function in a non-ATP competitive manner.