Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is mouse renal adenocarcinoma cell-encapsulated agarose-agarose macrobeads?

Pronunciation: /maʊs ˈrinəl adenocarcinoma* sɛl ɛnˈkæpsəˌleɪtɪd agarose* agarose* macrobeads*/

mouse renal adenocarcinoma cell-encapsulated agarose-agarose macrobeads


An agarose matrix containing mouse renal adenocarcinoma (RENCA) cells, with potential antineoplastic activity. The agarose-agarose macrobeads consist of two spherical agarose layers; the mouse RENCA cells are contained within the inner agarose layer. Upon placement into the abdominal cavity, the restricted mouse renal adenocarcinoma cells in the agarose macrobeads produce and release certain growth-retarding factors that inhibit the proliferation of the RENCA cells. Upon diffusion of these growth-slowing factors out of the agarose layers, these substances may inhibit cancer cell proliferation of proliferating tumors.