Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is cisplatin nano-engineered intraoperative system PRV211?

Pronunciation: /cisplatin* ˈnɑnoʊ ˌɛnʤəˈnird intraoperative* ˈsɪstəm prv* tu ˈhənərd ənd ˈilɛvən/

cisplatin nano-engineered intraoperative system PRV211


A nano-engineered intraoperative system containing a liquid permeation enhancer (PE) and a patch composed of nanoparticles loaded with the inorganic platinum agent cisplatin, with potential antineoplastic and immunomodulating activities. Immediately following surgical tumor resection, the cisplatin nano-engineered intraoperative system PRV211 is applied intraoperatively; the PE is brushed onto the resected tumor bed and then the cisplatin patch is applied onto the same tumor site. Upon subsequent long-lasting and controlled release from the patch and penetration into the tumor bed, cisplatin forms highly reactive, charged, platinum complexes which bind to nucleophilic groups such as GC-rich sites in DNA inducing intrastrand and interstrand DNA cross-links, as well as DNA-protein cross-links. These cross-links result in apoptosis and growth inhibition of tumor cells. Cisplatin may reach regional lymph nodes and may trigger anti-tumor immune responses. Administration of PRV211 may eliminate any remaining micro metastases or close margins that could not be fully resected while avoiding system circulation. This may prevent systemic side effect and cancer recurrence.