Single Biggest Cancer Dictionary in the World

What is anti-Lewis B/Lewis Y monoclonal antibody GNX102?

Pronunciation: /ˈænˌti luɪs bi luɪs waɪ ˌmɑnəˈkloʊnəl ˈæntɪˌbɑdi gnx* wən ˈhənərd ənd tu/

anti-Lewis B/Lewis Y monoclonal antibody GNX102


A humanized monoclonal antibody directed against human tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens (TACAs) Lewis B (LeB) and Lewis Y (LeY), with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration, anti-LeB/LeY monoclonal antibody GNX102 binds to branched LeB and LeY glycans, which may induce an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) response against LeB- and LeY-expressing tumor cells. LeB and LeY antigens, tetrasaccharides with low to moderate expression in monomeric form in normal adult tissues, is overexpressed in branched form in multiple forms of cancers.